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Flour & Stone Cookbook – recipe corrections


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Book corrections

page 67
Place the honey, golden syrup, brown sugar and spices (in that order) in a LARGE heavy-
based saucepan. (Choose a saucepan larger than you think necessary because you will
be adding bicarbonate of soda later and it will make the gingerbread triple in volume.)
Place the pan over medium heat and stir with a wooden spoon to dissolve the sugar,
then bring the syrup almost to the boil.
then once the syrup has come to the boil, reduce the heat to low and start adding the
butter one cube at a time, stirring all the while as the butter melts. When you have
added all the butter, turn the heat up to medium again and bring to the boil. Remove the
pan from the heat as soon as the gingerbread rises to the boil and immediately add the
bicarbonate of soda, whisking it into the dough.

page 91
Mary Johnston (correct spelling)

Ferment recipe:
yeast weights for fresh and dried are in reverse.
Fresh yeast should read 4g
Dried yeast should read 2g

second paragraph:
Place the ferment back in the bowl, cover it with plastic film and leave at room temperature for 2-3 hours. The ferment will increase in volume slightly but don’t be alarmed if you don’t see it double. The purpose of the ferment is not to impart activity into the croissant dough it is there to produce flavour. Use your hands to knock back the ferment by folding it over itself, then cover the bowl and refrigerate the ferment overnight.

page 92
on the day:
The following day remove the container of dry ingredients from the fridge and add them to the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the hook attachment. Remove the ferment from the fridge and tear it up into small pieces, then add it to the bowl with the milk and yeast. Again, don’t be concerned if the ferment is deflated and not risen as you would expect. The yeast will have done its job by creating flavour in the ferment, but essentially the activity needed to rise the croissants will be provided by the quantity of yeast in the croissant dough.
Mix all the ingredients in the bowl on low speed for two minutes until the dough forms a shaggy ball. Increase the speed to medium to develop the protein in the dough and increase
its elasticity…………

Flour and stone sweet pastry
page 163
For the smaller size it should be 1 whole egg plus 1 yolk.
For the larger batch it should be 2 whole eggs and 2 yolks.

Sourdough starter
Page 195

Day 2
To clarify:
To increase the activity of the starter you need to feed it. To do that pour 50g of the starter into a bowl then discard the remaining starter from the jar.
To the 50g of starter add 50g filtered or raisin water. 25g rye flour and 25g wholewheat flour and mix it well with a tablespoon. Pour the fed starter back into the jar and replace the lid or muslin………

Lemon dream
page 237
meringue ingredients:
180g egg white
200g caster sugar

210g egg white
230g caster sugar

240g egg white
265g caster sugar

Meringue method:
Divide the meringue between the two tins, dotting it evenly over the cake batter, then smooth the meringue spreading it almost to the edge of the tin. Leave a 1/2cm gap around the edge so that the meringue doesn’t form a vacuum pushing the cake batter underneath up into a dome.

Page 238
For the baking:
Place the tins in the oven for 25 minutes on 160C, then turn the temperature down to 150C for 25 minutes. If your oven doesn’t cook evenly, this halfway point is a good time to turn them around. At the duration of the cooking time, it will be impossible to tell if the batter at the bottom is cooked as it has a layer of meringue on top. If you really want to be assured it is cooked, use a small sharp knife to slice a small incision in the centre of one of the meringue tops through to the butter cake to see if it is cooked. This is a good exercise to do the first time you bake this cake since all ovens are slightly different and there will be nothing more soul destroying that turning the cake out to find the batter in the middle a little raw. Unfortunately, the incision in the meringue will result in a slightly less fluffy top but just use this cake for the bottom layer and no one will even know.

Our products are made in an environment where lots of other lovely things containing eggs, sesame seeds, soy, tree nuts and gluten are made and, therefore, may contain traces of these allergens.

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