Meet Nadine


From a dairy farm in the Hunter Valley to Michelin star restaurants in London, and baking cookies in her own kitchen, Nadine has come to firmly establish herself in the echelons of Sydney’s artisan baking community.

At the age of 19 Nadine’s love for baking took her to London where she honed her skills in the pastry sections of houses such as Le Gavroche, Le Caprice and The Ivy. England is also where she met her husband Jonathan who has been instrumental in her success through his support. They have two daughters named Poppy and Ruby, after whom Flour and Stone is named.

One of her turning moments was leaving MG Garage in 2003 and transitioning from being a restaurant pastry chef to working in a bakery with the newly established Bourke Street Bakery. Immediately, Nadine was struck by the fact that she could now see and talk to the customer, a connection she was not able to foster whilst working in the back kitchens of restaurants. Consequently, Nadine believes baking has become her way to connect with people from her heart, a thread that is slowly being diminished in today’s society.

Collaborations included joining forces with her former Bourke Street Bakery colleague, Michael James, to hold a pop-up at Tivoli Road Bakery in Melbourne and working with like-minded businesses such as Cornersmith and Williams-Sonoma to create workshops for people to understand the impact baking can have on the soul.
Nadine was nominated for the 2017 Telstra Business Women’s Awards which is a testament to her belief in strong, creative business women making their mark within the baking community and beyond. In 2019 Nadine was nominated for Gault and Millau’s pastry chef of the year award.

It is the publication in October 2018 of her long awaited and highly anticipated cookbook “Flour and Stone, Baked for Love, Life and Happiness” that is one of her most prized achievements followed up more recently in September 2019 with presenting a keynote presentation at Ted Macquarie University.

Follow Nadine on instagram to keep up to date.

Baked for love, life, & happiness
Flour and Stone team photo: a snapshot capturing the dedicated team behind the scenes, creating delicious baked goods with passion and expertise

Our Team


Flour and Stone is a petite bakery in inner city Sydney with a large and devoted following for its pannacotta lamingtons, flaky croissants and dreamy cakes.

Our team bakes with finesse and love to bring joy to the city and gives with a generosity and abundance from our hearts. We make everything in our kitchen at Woolloomooloo using ingredients from small growers and producers such as Vanella butter, Kristen Allan cheese, Country Valley milk, Sample coffee and Rabbit Hole tea.

Family and community in every sense is at the core of Flour and Stone.

Not every day is perfect, some days the cakes sticks to the tins, some days are so hot the croissants give up the will to rise, some days we run out of cake and need to console the sad faces. It’s the good days we live for though. The fluffy sponges, the treacly smell of the ANZAC biscuits coming out of the oven, the smiling faces and the relationships forged in our bakery.

That’s the gold.

Media and Press

Media & Press

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PRofile film - flour & stone

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FINE APPLE TART - flour & stone

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Croissants - flour & stone

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Lamingtons - flour & stone

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MERINGUES - flour & stoNE

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NADINE TED TALK - flour & stone

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Croissants - Walking Up an Appetite